Translation of medical texts from English to Russian (Russian medical translation) is the Russian translation of specialized medical publications and private texts, the content whereof is directly related to human health. The special position of this category of specialized translations is determined by the importance of any translated information, increased requirements to accuracy of Russian translation and respect for confidentiality and privacy, as well as the pronounced heterogeneity of the Russian medical terminology used.
English medical texts of any level are subject to translation into Russian language: epicrises, diagnostic records or records of operations, summaries of laboratory test data, functional studies, information for patients and/or doctors, package inserts for medications (instructions for use), treatment recommendations, as well as publications on the activities of medical institutions and scientific articles on various areas of medicine.
Since the English and Russian medical language is not just a component, but an extended modification of the main language, as regards translations of such texts, in addition to the rules of general language literacy, additional requirements are applicable that are related to the specifics of Russian medical terminology and traditional forms (notations, expressions) adopted in a particular country.
The medical English and medical Russian languages are distinguished by a special variety of vocabulary - both are rich in their “everyday” version, having absorbed nomenclatural terminology (mostly medical Latin), English designations and anglicisms, as well as all forms of abbreviations, used in all categories. In any case, it would be a mistake to think that medical texts, as translated from English to Russian, represent “ordinary” vocabulary filled with inserts of Latin.
Russian translation of the ion trap mass spectrometric detector manual that provides a description of tests to be performed with the use of the said medical measuring equipment and the solutions available for such tests.
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Beltran Translations is a Belarus based company offering English to Russian translation services, including written technical and legal translation. We have been providing Russian translation services for 20+ years, we are experts in our field who delvier Russian translations at really affordable rates.