Russian technical translation is used to exchange specialized scientific and technical information between people speaking Russian and other languages. In a simplified approach, technical translation refers to the translation of technical texts. It is based on a formal-logical (collective) style, which is characterized by accuracy, non-emotionality and impersonality. The vocabulary uses many terms of Latin or Greek origin. The grammar of Russian technical translations uses specific and firmly established grammatical norms: indefinite personal and impersonal constructions, passive phrases, impersonal Russian verb forms are widely used. Logical selection uses inversion.
The key issue with Russian technical translation is the need to combine knowledge of this language with the knowledge of technology and Russian technical terms. Due to the shortage of technical translators with both linguistic and technical backgrounds, there has long been debate about the preferred basic education for a technical translator. Some authors believe that linguistic higher education (i.e. education in the field of foreign languages) is preferable, followed by building up the terminological base and technical knowledge.
Other authors believe that competent Russian technical translation requires professional knowledge of the relevant field of technology, and good knowledge of a foreign language is not so essential, especially when translating into the native language. Regardless of the technology for performing Russian technical translations, there is a problem of finding qualified personnel to perform translations, which is associated both with the level of education of translators and the situation on the Russian translation services market. As a result, the overall level of technical translations in Russia is relatively low, and many companies that need to do such work need to look for a specialized Russian technical translation agency. You can check out some of our latest translation projects below.
Russian translation of requirements and regulations for construction of the systems for gathering, transportation and treatment of oil, oil gas and reservoir water. The English to Russian translation for an oil and gas industry company.
We translated from English to Russian a report on the use of SAP tool by company's business units designed to assist them in setting up efficient maintenance management systems to support operating efficiency improvements.
Russian technical translation of an equipment specific strategy. We translated from English to Russian a technical document containing equipment specific strategy guidelines to be followed by the company personnel as part of maintenance activities and routine operations.
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Beltran Translations is a Belarus based company offering English to Russian translation services, including written technical and legal translation. We have been providing Russian translation services for 20+ years, we are experts in our field who delvier Russian translations at really affordable rates.